The Association for Feminist Anthropology Section News Column on Anthropology News regularly showcases contributions from the AFA membership in the following forms:
- Short reflective, analytical essays (1400 words or less) written in an accessible, journalistic style that draw on the author’s scholarly sensibility and expertise as a feminist anthropologist. Pieces may focus on, but certainly be not limited to, current happenings in the world, the author’s own research, or significant dialogs within the discipline. An example of this kind of writing can be found here.
- News from AFA (1000 words or less), such as initiatives, public engagement, deadlines for awards, news on award recipients, meetings’ announcements, new books by AFA members, etc. An example of this kind of writing can be found here.
Pieces from current AFA members are accepted on a rolling basis. The timeline from initial submission to publication on the Anthropology News website is between 1.5 and 2 months. Timely submissions discussing significant news stories of the previous 2 days will undergo an expedited editing process and be published as soon as possible.
For more information or with interest in publishing through AFA on AN, please contact the AFA AN Section News Column Contributing Editors, Leyla Savloff, María Lis Baiocchi, or Megan Steffen at leyla.savloff@gmail.com, baiocchiml@pitt.edu, or meganamandasteffen@gmail.com.