Public Policy Interests and Activities of the AFA and Other AAA                                                                             In 2010, the Committee on Public Policy began surveying AAA units to understand the activities they are currently undertaking in the public policy domain, as part of its ongoing effort to encourage AAA sections and interest groups to enhance public-policy related communication, cooperation and visibility, develop policy-related projects, and provide better resources and resource development overall. The survey is ongoing, with a second phase planned for fall 2011. Hoping the results will help promote conversations, collaborations, and synergies around policy issues of shared concern, CoPP has asked those participating for permission to post their responses. The survey responses, along with contact people for each section and interest group, are presented here.

Sociologists for Women in Society
“We are an international organization of sociologists and social scientists who work together to improve the position of women in sociology, and in society. Our members include women and men who work in academia, the private sector, government, and other settings.”

Women’s ENews
“Women’s eNews is the definitive source of substantive news unavailable anywhere else covering issues of particular concern to women and providing women’s perspectives on public policy.”

National Women’s Studies Association
“The National Women’s Studies Association leads the field of women’s studies in educational and social transformation.”

The Importance of Women and Girls in Sport
This reader-recommended site provides an overview of Title IX and the history of U.S. women’s sports. It includes links to more information on prominent female athletes and women’s sports associations.

Audiovisual Resources on Women and Gender Studies Internationally
From the Women and International Development Program at Michigan State University.

Society for Women in Philosophy-UK
SWIP UK is an organisation of UK women in philosophy, including students and professionals, working within or outside academic departments.

Feminist Anthropology
This site, prepared by Angela Bratton, contains an overview of the history of feminist anthropology, along with a bibliography and a diagram.

Syllabi for Women- and Gender-Related Courses in Anthropology
More than a dozen syllabi are listed on this site, including those from courses taught by Emily Martin, Peggy Sanday, and Nandini Gunewardena.

Exploring Gender Through Archaeology
Selected Papers from the 1991 Boone Conference

Graduate Concentration in Feminist Anthropology at the University of Iowa
This graduate program was created over a decade ago in order to allow students to take advantage of areas of strength in the Anthropology faculty as well as in the Women’s Studies Program.

Sexism in Advertising
This collection of over 150 images was put together by Charlene Makley and her students at Reed College. In order to obtain a password to view the entire collection, e-mail Char at

The Feminist Theory Website
This site has been fully updated and expanded to include over 5000 bibliographical references, nearly 600 internet links, material on feminism in 130 different countries, and in-depth profiles of 80 internationally-known feminists.

ViVa Database on Women’s History
ViVa, compiled by scholars at the International Institute of Social History, is a large listing of articles that have appeared in dozens of European and U.S. women’s history journals. The ViVa database has an especially comprehensive listing of women in African history.

(gender Inn)
(gender Inn) is a women’s and gender studies database on the World Wide Web that is now available in both a German and an English version. Currently, the database provides access to over 6,000 records pertaining to Anglo-American literary studies, feminist theory and gender studies.

Center for American Women and Politics
This site contains a wealth of information on women and politics in the US, including a collection of syllabi for courses on women, politics, and feminist theory. There is also information on The National Education for Women’s Leadership (NEW Leadership) program, which educates young women to participate actively in politics and policy making.

Gender, Technology and Science Gateway
“The Gender, Science and Technology Gateway is a resource for researchers, policy makers, and NGOs. It provides key links and information on research, practice, policy and partners in sustainable development which focuses on gender equality.”

“This site looks at the changes, effects and implications of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) for women and women’s equality issues.”

The Global Fund for Women
This organization makes grants to seed, support, and strengthen women’s human rights groups around the world. The Global Fund for Women’s areas of interests include improving women’s health and reproductive rights, challenging harmful traditional practices, increasing women’s economic independence, expanding girls’ access to education, and others.

The Association for Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST)
FEAST “is a new professional organization for folks with interests in feminist ethics and social theory, broadly construed.”

Gendercide Watch
This educational and activist project will confront and conduct research on gender-selective mass killings of women and men around the world.

The Collective of Feminist Anthropologists of Argentina
Based at the University of Buenos Aires, the Collective of Feminist Anthropologists of Argentina has a new website (in Spanish) full of fascinating information on the history of feminism, links, videos, and current events.